
Anti-Black and LGBTQ+ Bias in the Jussie Smollett Case
Letter by The NBJC

A letter released by The National Black Justice Coalition (NBJC) is urging Special Prosecutor Daniel K. Webb to drop the charges against Jussie Smollett. The letter, supported by the organizations Black Gifted, Whole, the National LGBTQ Task Force, The National Center for Lesbian Rights, and the Black AIDS Institute alleges anti-black and LGBTQ+ bias in the Smollett case. 

The person most harmed – the victim of a hate crime – is the defendant. – The National Black Justice Coalition

“Mr. Smollett’s case fits an unfortunate pattern of anti-Black, anti-queer bias, in which Black queer people are disproportionate targets of unrelenting discrimination, policing, and state sanctioned violence.” The letter refers to Jussie Smollett as “the victim of a hate crime” and outlines police bias towards people in his demographic.

NBJC also lists three recent cases where “white women lied to police, threatening the lives of Black people, and faced no meaningful consequences.” When compared to the Smollett case, the bias is apparent. Hypothetically, if Smollett was guilty of lying to police – the prosecution would not be fair. 

According to the letter the ongoing case is a waste of resources in the scope of what Chicagoans are facing with anti-LGBTQ+ violence. ” Mr. Smollett’s March 5th trial follows the murder of at least 5 transgender Chicagoans. Most of these crimes remain unsolved. “

“We respectfully ask that you encourage the city of Chicago to focus on its pervasive problems and drop the charges against  Jussie Smollett.”

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